Horton Park Golf & Country Club
Horton Park Golf & Country Club, Epsom, South East, England, KT19 8QG
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39 reviews of Horton Park Golf & Country Club
Not a bad course for a public pay and play, the course layout seems a bit forced and overworked. 2nd hole is playing from a temporary tee box as the entire hole is being moved. Par three's are bunched up on 9th and 10th tee which results in making the turn slow a busy day. Quite a few holes had a dog leg tee shot making club selection important to stay in the fairways, small greens also add to the challenge of getting on in regulation. 6 out of 10.
After the first three holes the course improved significantly, although generally there were few holes that really stood. There is work being done on the course and so maybe holes 1 to 3 will improve over time, so one can only hope. Maybe this was the reason I was able to get a tee time for £10? The stand out hole is the 10th, a par 3 with an island green, but there aren't that many other holes that I really remember. The bar is certainly pleasant enough and people seemed friendly and welcoming.good parkland course.some great holes.worth a visit.holes6thru 8 are particularly good.food good also.friendly staff
I used to work at Horton and i have to say, it has been renovated impressively. I was there for the "administration" saga, and to be fair, the course has come on leaps and bounds from since the Pro-Am of 2007 and it is alot harder than people realise wiht multiple pros shootin 80 round the par 72 course. Horton is usually disgraced for its poor history as mentioned in many of these reports, however, the reports gradually get better as you reach "travel the timeline". If you havent played this course for numerous years, do not be stubborn and take a pay a visit. the Green fees are reasonable and the staff are always up for a conversation.
I have just returned from playing the nine hole course at Horton and I have to say it was awful. The greens are non existent with little grass but an abundance of weeds. Rather than call it a course it should be renamed a park! Dont bother wasting your time at this course.
I have played Horton quite a few times of late. Admittedly the course was in great condition just before going into administration and they are not quite up to scratch yet but i believe that the course is very enjoyable. Yes, it gets very wet in the winter on the back part and in the summer cracks appear that you can lose a foot in, but all this can be rectified with new owners and a good groundsperson. The greens need watering more and can be patchy in the summer. Last week they treated the greens whilst we were playing and a couple of people walked off and demanded there money back, this needs to be attended by the grounds staff on the timing. Pro shop staff need to lighten up a bit and give you more course info before teeing off. Clubhouse very friendly and the food not too bad. Need to be competative on price compared to other public courses but do a good all day deal. Love the 10th, yes can ruin your score, but golf is a challange.
A great public Play and pay Golf Club, and a thriving and friendly bunch of club members. What a shame that the Company owning the lease has mismanaged it and bled it dry financially so that it seems it will close !
I took the game up properly about 18 months ago and Horton being my nearest club i decided to join as a member. While i don't think the cource is brilliant it certainly is not bad and they are constantly inproving it. They have just redone the stroke index on the course and are making a larger green on 17th which is much needed and going to be excellant when it is done. The members are all very friendly and very welcoming as are the staff.The driving range is looking really good and always packed in the evening which shows how popular it is. The greens are always in excellant condition and never closed unlike most courses in surrey and the course is really starting to get a bit more character to it as sapling trees begin to grow and make the fairways a lot tighter. I must admit you do still get the young kids hanging about the lake in the summer months fishing which does annoy me and some of the tees do struggle to maintain a good condition.While the food is good it is a little limited and i find the service can be slow but always friendly. The reason people don't like Horton is because it is a lot harder than people think and they always struggle to score well on it. The course will never be perfect afterall it is open to the public and welcomes players of all levels. If you want a perfect golf club go a join a private club with the massive joining fee. And don't even talk to me about it being muddy in winter when we have rain what do you expect DERR.
I have been a member for 8 years and during that time the course has improved beyond recognition! The ground staff under the guidance if the General Manager have done a marvellous job. I defy anyone to find better greens in Surrey. What is probably equally important is the friendly attitude of the staff and the members! Come and try it!
Unfortunately I agree with JC (29/06/05) regarding idiots on the course. This time there were a group of 10 or so kids running around being chased by police in a buggy (ok, slight amusement factor as well). Also a number of other groups of kids hanging about or generally walking across the course shouting at each other. And there were also signs of vandalism on one tee. On the plus side it offered good value at £9 for twilight. A mixture of holes - some that make you think, others just give it a good whack. The Wednesday night BBQ almost made up for the pitfalls though - an excellent way to finish.
Toward the end of last summer, when the hosepipe ban was in full effect, the greens on the 18 hole course were non-existent and I vowed never to return. Finding out the greens were in such poor condition on reaching the first of them, rather than being told in the pro shop, was almost as irritating as being charged the full rate to play the course. However, I played earlier this month and the greens were in very good nick. They currently have a good value £9 twighlight fee after 5pm on the 18 hole. I have since played the 9 hole course which has been totally revamped since I last played some years ago, and at £7.50 its pretty good value. My advice would be to play it before the inevitable hosepipe ban comes into force!
Played the 9 hole par 3 yesterday. The course should be shut. We all appreciate the hosepipe ban, etc. BUT how can a golf club charge £9.00 for a course that is in such poor condition. There are no greens - weeds, dust and large amounts of sand. Also, make sure you take a hammer to get a tee in the ground. Having come off the 'green' you pretty much have to guess where the next tee is cos there's minimal signage. The condition doesn't seem to stop people using the course - our game yesterday took 2 hours because it was so busy. Hopefully the management will use the revenue to make LARGE improvements once the weather turns.
having been a member at horton i have now withdrawn my membership.to ask the public to pay £18 a round is a disgrace.a flat and not so very challenging course i found 3 holes with no flags.bunkers with no sand and the 3rd green tottaly destroyed.also joe public and his dog walking down the middle of the fairway.to make matters worse i had a 5 ball in front.what fun.take my advice.keep well away
I played Horton this week and it was pretty poor. After a week of hot weather & no rain Tees and fairways were all rock solid. The greens were in far better condition although the 3rd looked like it had been vandalised! the biggest problem with Horton was the number of idiots out on the course, we had to endure raucous behaviour and youths pulling hand-brake turns in their buggies. We mentioned this to the youth in the club shop who seemed unmoved. There has been investment at the course in the last 2 years but sadly most of it seems to have been poured into the 9 hole (still closed i think) rather than the 18. Brian rightly points out that some work has been done and it has imporoved Horton's status from a Really Really bad course to one which is merely a below average pay & Play.
I have been playing at Horton for a number of years, and a currewntly Club Captain. I feel most of the comments posted are rather unfair! Over the last 2 years the management has strived to remodel and improve the course, and the benifits are now being realised. There is a problem with irrigation, and both tees and fairways tend to suffer due to this, but the greens recover from the winter very well. There are NEVER any temporary greens, and the course is always open, when all other local courses are closed, regardless of the weather conditions.
My friend and I had to travel to Surrey today and decided to play a game of golf whilst in the area. We found this course unfortunately. The teeing ground was in poor condition, hard and we found it very difficult to push in the tees. The fairways were full of moss, shamrock and pitted. The greens were dry and hard and could not hold a ball at all. The course generally was in very poor condition. We found a course ranger and asked him about the poor signposting, he replied that the locals take the signs down, is Surrey awash with 'louts' who like tee signs!!! We got fed up crossing the same crossroads for different tees. Finally we finished our round at 3pm and changed our shoes and entered the bar at 3.10 pm only to be told that they had finished serving food. We took ourselves to the local pub for dinner and a game of pool before heading home to Enfield, Middlesex. We would definitley NOT recommend this course and would not play there again. Calling itself a Golf and Country Club is a misnomer, try ' local pay and play as you find it course' instead!!
Played early december 2004 on a quite foggy day. No course maps available ("will come sometime next year", we were told) so we were playing blind. The poor layout with tees often little more than 10 yards off the next fairway meant that even a slightly wayward shot saw other players diving for cover. The fairways were in a terrible condition that was not solely attributable to the time of year and you had better chance of a good lie by playing for the short rough rather than the fairway. However, the greens were in good condition, as were the bunkers, very hard to maintain in the prevailing weather, and from the 12th holes the layout improved greatly. This is a course which is cheap but should not be visited if you expect to be anything other than underwhelmed.
I played this course on 31st August 2004. Some of your reviewers were unduly harsh in their criticism of the course. The first fairway created a poor impression - it had recently been opened without being allowed to establish good growth (lift and place applied). The ninth tee was also very poorly kept, having been recently returfed and not properly maintained since. Apart from these two blemishes the course played well, with some challenging holes. The greens were in good condition, several with quite severe undulations. All in all a good value for money course.
Being my local course,about 2 min drive, I recenctly revisited Horton.Very disapointed to say the least!Bad tees, worse faiways, greens ok.Design of course poor, longest 2nd shot to par 4 was a 9 iron.Despite my close location to the course I can quite honestly say ,I will never play this course again, even if paid to do so.
I've read the criticisms of the course and can only say that they do not match my experience. I've played the Millennium course several times and have enjoyed every round. I've played in all seasons and have found the course to be no worse than any other pay and play that I've visited, in fact quite the opposite. Yes the range mats are tired and the range balls are of the old rock standard but the course is well kept, it seems quite a young course and is still developing. The course owners seem to be working hard to make it a more challenging course, an achievement I'm sure they'll reach in the fullness of time. My only criticism is of the (now) 2nd hole and it's proximity to the road. But lets be honest, £18 for 18 holes, it's never going to be Wentworth but it's still a decent place to knock some balls about, with some nice holes and value for money.
I live 2mins walk from Horton Park Country Club and although I am a very keen golfer no longer tolerate the bad conditions presented by this golf club. I have played the course plenty of times and have regretted it every time. The driving range has recently been revamped but already the mats are torn, the tees are missing and the noise level intollerable. Children run around unchecked and there is a constant shrill of mobile phones. The course itself has been undergoing "improvements" ever since I can remember. This basically consists of moving mounds of earth from one area to another. The holes are bland, the fairways bare and rutted in the summer and waterlogged during the winter. Mainly due to buggies racing around. This course is ideal for stag weekends and part time golfers who like a beer after 9 holes. For every one else stear well clear.
Overall I think this course is a bit on the easy side of average. The fairways are long and the greens for the most part are relatively "unguarded" by the usual array of sand traps you see on most courses in ther area. I hit a personal best of 87, which is well below my usual 95-100 standard so I would attribute the score to these reasons. The back 9 is a multiple deja-vu experience since you cross the same ground numerous times going in all sorts of directions to link up with various sections of the course. There are some VERY long par 5's here so you can pull out the 1W and really give it some. A couple of nice water holes including the par 3 10th island green are nice to play. For a public course it's about as good as they get but obviously will not satisfy the the hardcore golfer completely.
'A Ploughed Field' I notice some people calling this course?. Well In fact I think that may be a little unkind, a Ploughed field has characture !!. Played there for the 4th time since it opened due to commitment to a friends stag week-end. Luckly I was sipping from a well stocked hip flask !, which did make things a little more enjoyable. Probably the only course I've played where you can stand there and take an almighty swing, and it doesn't matter where the ball goes, its that open. Without doubt the worst course I have played on in 15 years. You couldn't pay me enough money to go back there. Avoid at all costs. There are so many courses in Surrey, how anybody can even think of playing this course is beyond me.
I have played Horton many times and i can honestly say that i think it is not that good at all.On most holes there are tempery greens and some of the holes are very similar to the one before it. The driving range never has any tees in it and it could do with a lot of work.However it is not the worst i have ever played,i think it could do with some work on the fairways because they are very muddy.
I have played on the 9 hole course many times lately and there have never been a full course of proper tees on one round of golf on Sunday 21st March 2001 there were no proper tee offs and the greens had divets in them. The driving range never has any tees on the standing point and buckets have holes in them the practice green has holes which you cant retrieve your balls from and i think that horton country park needs to improve greatly
I played this course a week or two back, having read various comments on this site. I enjoyed the course. Some of the holes are repetitive but are strangely the more difficult to play in some respects. There are a few places where you can really lay into your driver, and many of the par-3s are long by amateur standards. Having said all that, I found the constant back-and-forth across the middle of the estate a bit annoying. I walked across the same bit of ground going from 6th to 7th, 9th to 10th, 11th to 12th and 17th to 18th. Mind you, I'm sure it means the strategically-placed snack van does good business. The three over-water holes were OK if contrived (the moated green 11th being the more daunting). The oddest hole I have ever played is Horton's first - you can either 7-iron to the turn of the extreme dog-leg right par-4, or go for the green across an OOB with a 6-iron. I took the easy way via the turn, and had to dodge more than one loose ball from the adjacent range. In general, the ground was in a decent state, although one or two tees still need work. For a sunny Sunday the course wasn't too busy either. On balance I'd certainly go back.
Course information
Tee information
Tees | Yards | Par | SSS |
Competition | 6010 | 68 | |
Men's | |||
Ladies' |
Green Fees
Summer/High season
Winter/Low season
Alternative rates
25% off after 3pmFacilities
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